Contact Contact Us Subject*Volunteer RequestGeneral QuestionName* First Last Email* CompanyPhoneMessage*Please state your number of volunteers for your volunteer eventPlease check all that apply: Type of volunteer Individual Volunteer Family group Corporate Volunteer Group (LLC, non-profit company, etc.) Organization Group (scouts, rotary club, school club, etc.) Please check all that apply: Type of Event Tree Planting/Maintenance Invasive Plant Removal Stream Cleanup Environmental Workshop (Environmental Education, Storm Drain Labeling, etc.) Guided Hike Historical Talk Stream Watcher Water Quality Monitor Please check all that apply: How you found out about PHG volunteer opportunities I'm on the PHG email list Previous PHG Event Teacher/Professor Newspaper/Paper marketing A friend Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) School (College, School Club, Service Learning office, etc.) Would you like to receive future email notices about PHG events or news?* Yes No CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 39841 3748 Old Columbia Pike Ellicott City, MD 21043 Phone: 410.696.1328 Email Address: Members help us to keep Learn more about membership here