I’ve walked my dog on multiple trails in Patapsco park, usually on weekday mornings when there are fewer people. I find the serenity and natural beauty is so inspiring given that busy highways and dense populations are nearby. The Japanese term “Forest Bathing” captures the essence of enjoying the great outdoors. Birds, butterflies and beauty are everywhere.
As a PHG Board member I have enjoyed our public events held in venues I was unfamiliar with in Ellicott City, Catonsville and Relay. We have so much to be proud of and have an obligation to educate and enhance public knowledge of these natural, historic and heritage gems.
Since my professional career caused me to travel statewide to work on projects, I wasn’t familiar with the treasures in my home county and environs. Now I am.
Sylvia Ramsey recently retired from a lengthy career as an urban planner at the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) as manager of Community Enhancements Programs. She was responsible for developing the States Trails Strategic Implementation Plan and set up a statewide model for future statewide trail linkages. Sylvia served as a member of the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) from its inception until her retirement. Additionally, she served MDOT representative on the Technical Advisory Committee, which reviews, evaluates and approves all applications for MHAA funding. Sylvia was appointed, by the County Executive, in 2010 to the Howard County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and was elected Vice Chair in December 2013. She is also a member of the HoCo AGAST (Advocacy Group Against Slavery and Trafficking). Sylvia joined PHG in early 2014 and currently serves as Chair of the Trails and Recreation committee. She is an artist, photographer, an enthusiastic traveler, an avid birder, a gardener and enjoys yoga and hiking and biking.