Patapsco Days, an annual exploration of the histories of the Patapsco Valley, is planned for the month of March 2020. Patapsco Days grows out of the History Days that Patapsco Heritage Greenway held for many years and is an opportunity for a thematic exploration of the Patapsco Valley.
This year’s Patapsco Days is titled “Women: A Force in History” and focuses on women’s contributions in the Patapsco Valley. To celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment, Patapsco Valley partners will offer programs including lectures, guided hikes, tours, and more to engage visitors with a variety of experiences. Visitors will learn new perspectives on the many stories of women’s contributions in the Patapsco Valley ranging from the matriarchal way of the Piscataway, the Ellicott Sisters, the women of the Catonsville 9, Clara Barton and the story of the American Red Cross, the suffrage movement, and more.
Throughout the month, guests can pick up a passport to track the events they have attended. Guests can either pick up their passports at the opening event or download a copy online. Passports are a chance for participants to check off the events in which they have participated and enter to win a raffle at the end of “Patapsco Days”. Passports are available at each event, or online here.
March 1, 2PM Kickoff Program: “The Importance of the Matriarchal Way” at Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum. Join Kikeokan of Conoy Creations for a talk on the importance of a traditionally matriarchal society, the history of the society in the Patapsco Valley, and how it would better our society today. Pre-registration is requested. Link for registration here.
March 28, 2PM Closing Program: “Maryland Women’s Fight for the Vote ” with Kacy Rohn. Maryland women played an important role in the passage of the 19th Amendment. They organized, demonstrated, and campaigned for decades to win the right to vote, but their names and contributions have largely been forgotten. Kacy Rohn will discuss the research she performed for the Maryland Historical Trust that provided new insight into the statewide suffrage movement and uncovered over fifty historic sites where women fought for voting rights. Voter registration will be provided at the program by Indivisible Howard County. The closing event will also include raffle drawings for the top Patapsco Day participants with the most items checked off on their passports. Pre-registration is requested. Link for registration here.
Other Patapsco Day highlights throughout March include:
Meet the Ellicott Sisters with Benjamin Banneker Historical Park & Museum
The Two Women of the Catonsville Nine with Elkridge Rotary
Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps with Howard County Recreation and Parks
Meet the Author: Tina Cassidy with Howard County Library System
Wanderlusters in the Patapsco Valley with Howard County Conservancy, Latino Outdoors, Friends of Patapsco Valley State Park, and Patapsco Heritage Greenway
Clara Barton with Howard County Recreation and Parks
Making a Statement: Jewelry and Other Adornments of the Suffragist Movement with Howard County Library System
Ellicott City Partnership Craft Crawl with Ellicott City Partnership
Voting & Civic Engagement and Women in Politics. with Howard County Library System
Get your Patapsco Passport here for a chance to win a raffle at the end of the month.
A full list of “Women: A Force In History” programs is available here. A passport for the events will be available online by March 1, 2020 and printed copies will be available at the opening Patapsco Days program.
Patapsco Heritage Greenway’s mission is to preserve, protect, interpret, and restore the environment, history, and culture of the Patapsco River Valley. PHG administers the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area and holds a variety of environmental, history, and recreation based programs throughout the year.
This project was made possible by a grant from Maryland Humanities, through support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Maryland Historical Trust in the Maryland Department of Planning, and the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program series do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Maryland Humanities, Maryland Historical trust, Maryland Department of Planning or the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation.
Patapsco Days has been financed in part with State funds from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, an instrumentality of the State of Maryland. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.
Special Thank You to our Media Partner, Maryland Public Television.
Additional background
- For more information about The Patapsco Heritage Greenway visit patapsco.org
- For the Patapsco Days Flyer visit here.
- To learn more about Patapsco Days Sponsorships visit here.
- For the Patapsco Days Logo visit here.